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Miniature Rose, Button Rose (Maroon) – Plant – MRB-157701


SKU: MRB-157701 Category:


Climbing roses usually need support by securing to a pillar, fence or wall but some can be grown more as a shrub. Some are also suitable as a groundcover. Many rebloom throughout summer but some flower just once in spring.
Note: The fragrance of Rose flowers depends on its variety and climatic conditions, hence this plant may or may not produce fragrant flowers.Rosa is a genus of about 150 species of deciduous (occasionally evergreen) shrubs and climbers noted for their beautiful, often fragrant, single, semidouble or double flowers which are borne singly or in clusters on often prickly stems clad with 5-9 leaflets often having toothed margins.Plant Specifications*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%

Common Name
Climbing miniature rose

Maximum Reachable Height
6 to 10 feet

Flower Colour

Bloom Time
May to frost

Difficulty Level
Easy to grow

Planting and careDig a hole the same depth as the pot the rose came in and about a foot wider.Carefully remove the rose from the pot and gently loosen the roots. If the plant is tightly root bound, use a sharp knife to score the sides of the root ball and try again to loosen the roots.Add some organic matter to the soil in hole, if needed.Place the rose bush in the center of the hole, with the roots spread out.Fill in the hole and firm gently.Thoroughly water the newly planted bush and then apply a layer of mulch.Miniature Rose care

Full sun


Well drained soil

Around 68 degrees F

Apply fertilizers with little or no nitrogen content later into fall.Organic fertilizers include manures, compost, or other plant and animal products

Miniature Rose special featureRoses have a mild tea fragrance. Deep green foliage. Also may be grown as a self-supporting shrub.Miniature Rose uses