One of the most colorful succulent. Golden Ice Plant is a neatly rounded, erect, succulent plant.
Item name
Lampranthus – Succulent Plant
3 inch (8 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)
Lampranthus aureus is an unresolved name while Delosperma cooperi is an accepted. Golden Ice Plant is a neatly rounded, erect, succulent plant that grows up to about half a meter tall. The leaves are paired, free or slightly fused at the base, dark green, up to 5 cm long. The plant is liked for its unbelievably bright orange flowers. The shiny orange flowers are borne singly or in clusters on short stalks, are 6 cm in diameter. There are some yellow forms of this plant too. Flowers are followed by a woody fruit capsule that has five compartments. Lampranthus is a genus of succulent plants in the family Aizoaceae, indigenous to southern Africa.Plant Specifications*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name
Lampranthu, Golden Ice Plant, Orange Ice Plant
Maximum Reachable Height
0.25 to 0.50 feet
Flower Colour
Glossy red-purple
Bloom Time
June to September
Difficulty Level
Easy to grow
Planting and careOnce the Lampranthus plants are growing in the garden they are easy to look after.They like to grow in dry soil so only water in very prolonged dry spells. Once the season is over, cut the plants back by pruning the dead stems in the autumn. If you want more plants then take cuttings in the springtime.Lampranthus careIf planning to grow Lampranthus outdoors from the off it is best to sow out the seed in following the last frost of spring, simply cover the seeds. The seeds should be sown in a sunny area of the garden that has excellent drainage. The soil should be dry and stony; at the time of sowing add manure.
When starting to grow Lampranthus plants indoors first, then they should be started about two months before they are due to be transplanted out; a few weeks after the last frost of spring.
Full sun
Well-drained soil
65 to 75 degrees F
Apply any organic fertilizer
Lampranthus special featureGrow in sunny but sheltered areas of desert gardens, rock gardens, border fronts or slopes. Ground cover or edger.Lampranthus uses
Ornamental Use:
The plant is used for an ornamental purpose
Medicinal Use:
Used as a remedy to treat minor skin problems
Please consult your health expert
It containsSrItem name1Lampranthus – Succulent Plant23 inch (8 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)
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