Create an impressive display along with medicinal value in your home garden with an excellent featured Cissus plant.
Item name
Cissus Quadrangularis, Hadjod – Plant
5 inch (13 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)
Cissus quadrangularis is a perennial succulent vine in Vitaceae family with quadrangular sectioned branches with internodes and leathery edge.The surface is smooth, glabrous, buff colored with greenish tinge. Flowers are in shortly peduncle cymes with spreadingumbellate branches.Plant Specifications
Plant Height
7 inch (18 cm)
Plant Spread
3 inch (8 cm)
*above specification are indicative only. actual dimensions may vary by +-10%
Common Name
Veld grape, devils backbone, adamant creeper, asthisamharaka, hadjod and Pirandai.
Maximum Reachable Height
8 to 10 cm
Flower Colour
Bloom Time
Difficulty Level
Easy to grow
Planting and careDeadhead to prolong flowering.Maintain moderate soil moisture and fertilize lightly.plant will die with the first frost.Cissus Quadrangularis careKeep the plant in natural indirect bright Light. Poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture. Water when top soil (1-2 inches) feels dry to touch. Do not re-pot for min. 2 weeks after receiving it.
At least 3-6 hours of preferably morning sunlight a day is ideal for plant to grow well and natural indirect bright light for the rest of the day.
Before water poke your finger/plain small stick into the soil to check the moisture.
Water when top soil (1-2 inches) feels dry to touch.
Water thoroughly in the summer and reduce watering in winter and rainy season.
The soil should be well drained and fertile, rich in organic content for growing plant.
Grow well in pH range of 5.5 to 7.5
110 degrees C .
During the main growing season (June-July) feed the plant with organic fertilizer.
Cissus Quadrangularis uses
Ornamental Use:
The plant is used for ornamental purpose as specimen plant
Medicinal Use:
It is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in Thailand, and is also used in traditional African and Ayurvedic medicine
All parts of the plant are used for medicine
Cissus quadrangularis is used for obesity, diabetes, a cluster of heart disease risk factors called metabolic syndrome and high cholesterol
Note- Please consults your health advisor before application or consuming of plants or plant parts
It containsSrItem name1Cissus Quadrangularis, Hadjod – Plant25 inch (13 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)
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